Discover Soccer’s “Carnival of Athletic Training” features links to other sites for all things related to athletic training. While not necessarily directly related to soccer, it may hold useful information for readers. And due to the nature of some of these links, there’s a bit of sarcasm thrown in too.
This edition features more links that people insist on sending me on general health rather than links even remotely related to athletic training.
The 12 Principles of Fitness Training with some other free useful links, and a sign-up at the bottom, so they can try to sell you stuff
50 Best Blogs for Pilates Beginners – or so they say
Ever wanted to know how to adjust the dérailleur on your mountain bike? Me either, but just in case, this site shows you how.
17 Studies About Music’s Effect on the Brain and Your Health – like I said, even REMOTELY related to athletic training.
50 Ridiculous and Weird Facts About The Human Body (their words, not mine) – see above
Another one from the mountain bike guy.
If you’re as fascinated by macrobiotics as me, ignore this; otherwise, check it out.
Health and Fitness Apps: iPhone vs. Android
Teaching Children Martial Arts – only without any actual “teaching” of it.
25 Fun and Useful Wii Games to Help You Stay Fit – one of my favorites from this edition (seriously); and since it’s old that doesn’t mean it’s outdated. It just means you can buy the games used!